Friday, September 18, 2009

What if ?

1) What if the basic function is some curve rather than a straight line
2) What if the division is nonlinear like 4/(1,3) rather than 4/4
3) What if we've gone by biological methods rather than by electromagnetic methods
4) What if someone invented a new device other than a semiconductor device
5) What if some other planet which has not been discovered has life depending on some other element other than Oxygen
6) What if the future computer scientist generations forget about all the theories related to mathematics and physics due to the advancements in Artificial Neural Networks

May be

1) All the computations would've become simpler
2) All the irregular ones would've appeared regular ones
3) Much of the energy would've been saved with the penalty of losing some other things
4) They might have had their own pitfalls like the semiconductors
5) Their life might not be in the similar form like us
6) Computers would rule the world

Still more to come...............

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Let me illustrate this theory with the story of three persons. The 1st got "Great",the 2nd got "Greatest" and the third got #"Noble"# prizes for their greatest inventions.

In the year #2505 A.A (After Adam)# a beautiful woman gave birth to a one-eyed,one-legged,one-handed and one-eared child in a city called "Long East". Their parents named him as "The One". At that time the #Earth-E# was #not like the one what you are all seeing now#. It was approximately spherical in shape with 70% of the surface filled with water and there were two poles located on the south and north ends. It had millions of new creatures and two races with #intelligence#. As The One grew up his thoughts also built up with new ideas and new inventions.

In the year #2127 A.D# the last and the only power station of the #Earth#, located in the south pole, was closed, leaving the humankind to a great disaster, due to the lack of resources. But, The One came up with a new idea of creating power from the unwanted gases around us. The idea was implemented by UGS (Universal Group of scientists) within 12 hours at the south pole power station and started supplying through the same power lines to the entire world.

It was the greatest of all achievements by the saviour (The One). In the year #2576 A.A# he received the prestigious "The Great" award. In #2589 A.A# The One died of an unknown disease but some on the Earth know that it was nothing but EUEI (External Universe Environmental Injury). But his son "The One-II" carried out his father's experiments on creating an artificial biological environment and started experiments on the disease which killed his father.

In 2590 A.A The One-II and his colleagues started the great experiment #"The Big Boom"# . The first time they stopped the experiment because of releasing of some unwanted gases. Then they started it again after two months and it became a great success. The experiment was going faster than expected and within a month a new universe was created by itself and 3 of the entities of the new universe were found to be having life. One of those was named #"Earth-C"# because of having similarities with the current world. In the other two, the life on one entity was abruptly altered by something and the other was having only unicellular organisms. By the end of 2093 A.A 3 type of creatures started to gain #intelligence# (Artificial Intelligence as we call) on the #Earth-C".

In #2596 A.A# The One-II received "The Greatest" award. The people on the #Earth-E# were happy with the intelligence supplied by the #Earth-C#. His next aim was to find the cause of his father's death. After a bunch of experiments he began to wonder that his previous experiment "The Big Boom" had a close relationship with EUEI. When he came closer to the conclusion he was also #killed# by EUEI. Just before his death he wrote a note which became very popular. It says "God! Oh god! you are the cause".

In #2330 A.D# the inventor of the #Earth-E# received the #"Noble Prize"#. In 2332 A.D He wrote the book "The God Theory" which starts with the sentence "Just imagine if our universe has been created and being run by another humankind of the external universe just as we've created a new universe and controlling the intelligence and life of it". His theory also proves all the god and religion related issues though it was not accepted by many scholars. In 2334 A.D he also died suddenly......................

1) You might not understand this for the first time if you didn't read it carefully.
1)"#" - this is the main key to get full flavour.